November 27, 2010 Dapper_Don
Image via WikipediaEarlier this month slain Montreal Mafia patriarch Nicolo Rizzuto was afforded a proper Catholic burial which has raised some eyebrows
as reported by John Longhurst for the Winnipeg Free Press: "I know the church is supposed to be a hospital for sinners, not a rest home for the saints. And, like a family home, it's a place that has to take you in when you've got no place left to go. But still, it seemed wrong for Rizzuto's funeral to be held in a chuch. How could someone who was involved in murder, drug trafficking and other crimes be given a proper religious send-off?" Longhurst points out that not all mobsters have received their sendoff to the great hereafter with a sacred blessing, and among those previously denied a church funeral were John Gotti, Paul Castellano, Carmine Galante and Frank DeCicco. Of course, everyone knows that things are done differently in Quebec where the Montreal Mafia and dirty politicians have reigned for decades
as reported by Andrew Chung for The Star: "Quebec has been beset by revelation after revelation of corruption and ethical malpractice, involving biker gangs, the mafia and – most ubiquitously – the construction industry. The miasma has found its ways into city halls, union boardrooms, and even the premier's office." And now even the Catholic Church can be added to the fallen institutions in Montreal which cannot be trusted by the public in light of its inexplicable decision to provide an incorrigible degenerate mob boss like Nicolo Rizzuto a sacred resting place. The Church has done nothing more than continue the secular legitimization of the Devil's chosen. The Mafia long has bastardized Catholicism but to quote Bob Dylan from his song Masters of War: "even Jesus would never forgive what you do."
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