Former corrupt cop claims Wild Bill hired Mafia Cops to murder officer and frame other Colombo members
Sex, drugs, corruption… all in a days work when a career path leads to the pimp game. But also, such an unsavory cocktail of hustling can be part of the job for a ‘dirty’ cop too. You’re about to meet Michael Gourdine, and this man has been on both sides of the law as a hustler, Chili pimp, dealer, police officer and now… author.
His tale, as told in his recently published autobiography – Chili Pimping in Atlantic City – isn’t sugar coated (though one of his nicknames is Candyman), nor does it skirt around the controversies of a life Gourdine chose of free will. What readers will find within the pages is nothing less than some hard-to-believe tales that begin in his pre-teen years and evolve further into an underbelly of society that Gourdine clearly explains involves – but not limited to – greed, power, social environment and basic survival.
From the Big Apple to the Boardwalk Empire, Mick-Man answers some questions, fills in some blanks, states his thoughts on some allegations he claims to have knowledge of (1997 murder of off-duty officer Ralph Dols), and even discusses his thoughts on the most famous prostitution case in history – the 1936 trial of Lucky Luciano.
The Candyman Speaks…
People outside the inner life may read some of the book and be completely mystified, or find some things outrageously unbelievable – such as how young you were when you began making the pimp moves. How might you explain a pre-teen/early teen thinking so much about sex and pimping in general?
Pre-teens and adolescents who get involved with sex and prostitution are for one exposed to sex, the drug culture, and a lawless environment from a very early age. My story had a slightly different spin to it. I was raised on Cambridge place in Brooklyn N.Y. the famed art school “Pratt Institute” was 2 blocks away from me. My neighborhood had a very strong “Bohemian” influence in it. My parents were Bohemian and “Hippies” we even had a statue of a naked Man and woman kissing patiently in our living room. We were perpetually poor. My mother worked 16 hours a day 7 days a week as a Correctional Officer and my father was not involved. I would go to parties and my friends houses hosted by their parents where Art students from “Pratt” would be engaged in sex and drugs in every room of their houses with kids running around everywhere. That environment is perfect for a future pimp.
You’ve had a couple different nicknames (Candyman, Mick Man). In the book you explain the time frames and origins, but for the sake of our interview readers – what’s the story behind each?
I was a very small child with unusually large ears…That looked like the era worn by Disney’s “Mouseketeers”. Family and friends originally christened me Mickey Mouse. As I grew so did the name, from Mickey Mouse, to Mick Mick, to Mickey Bo, To Mickey man, To Mick-Man which all of my closest friends and family call me now. While working as a Police Officer in Harlem I noticed that all cops were hated by all people. As I entered into the Heroin trade as a Police Officer in Harlem I became part owner of a Candy Store on 139th street and Broadway. Hardly anyone bought my “Candy” just my “Heroin” (Ironic since Candy is a NICKNAME for heroin). The candy would start to rot so I would throw it away. One day I decided to give it away. I would walk around giving away candy to everyone in Harlem…even people I was arresting or issuing a summons to. As a result of this my partner Frank McCabe Christened me with the nickname “CANDYMAN”. Later on I would give Candy to “Dopesick” prisoners in Brooklyn central Booking later selling them Heroin. My name resurfaced again by a visiting Frank McCabe and the name was known throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan. The same Prisoners would make my name equally as famous in Atlantic City.
For those unfamiliar, could you give a little insight into what a Chili Pimp is, or what they can expect to take away/learn from your book?
Chili Pimp is someone who hasn’t proven himself as a bona fide pimp. It is referred to as the minor leagues and sometimes “Junior” pimping. A Chili Pimp has between one and three girls and is often the subject of ridicule, scorn, and amusement by senior established Pimps. Pimps are not threatened but amused by Chili Pimps and cut them slack often, by not being too harsh on them and showing them mercy. A Chili Pimp is looked at like a Boy attempting to wear his father’s clothes by seasoned Pimps. From My book you will learn whether you are cut out to even attempt to live this lifestyle… or not.
It would seem natural that you might have split feelings on the pimp and drug game, since you have moved on into family life. What are some of your thoughts when looking back – good, bad and ugly of it all?
The good thing about leaving the life is not worrying so much about being killed anymore, catching Aids or going to prison. The bad thing is I am Black and will never possess that kind of money ever again….I have to live with that. The ugly is watching everyone else get rich in the streets….while I struggle to survive.
During your police experience; you discuss in the book of ranking or being considered of one of the most notorious of New York’s cops. Tell me more about that? Who ranked even worse and what did they do to earn it.
I disagree with my ranking as the third dirtiest Police Officer in the history of the N.Y.P.D. Recently I asked why certain people were not ranked higher than I was. I was told it was because they had moved up in rank i.e. Lieutenant ,captain, etc. The #2 is Crystal Spivy of the 7-7 pct’s infamous “Buddy Boys” (Crystal was a Woman) and #1 is Michael Dowd of Brooklyn 7-5 pct “Dowd” crew.
You have an unwavering stance on a particular murder investigation, of which you claim to be privy to knowledge of and have been very vocal on message boards about – The hit on off-duty officer Ralph Dols, which some Colombo Family members were accused.
Joel J. Cacace “Alleged Boss” and Thomas Gioli are not responsible for the murder of Police Officer Ralph Dols on August 25th 1997. A Man named “Wild Bill” claimed to have hired Detective Louis Epolitto (Mafia Cop now serving life) to do the job. I heard him say it.
When did you begin thinking about writing a book about your life?
After being fired for unknowingly driving with a suspended license 509.1. For admitting that my unit in Manhattan North narcotics framed hundreds of people (some of which are still in prison) I was threatened to never reveal the people “we” framed or all of the dirt I did would also be exposed. I decided to expose myself.
Do you ever run into anyone of the interesting characters you were associated with back in the day?
It is always painful one way or the other running into people from my “Old” life. The ones who are still alive that is. I write some in prison like my cousin Brady Gilbert ” FATS” who is incarcerated in Connecticut who is serving 999 years 90 months and 999 days. ( his name is Brady Gilbert). Some are sleeping in the street (I always give whatever money I have in my pocket to them, sometimes thousands of dollars). Some are millionaires who are now for some reason afraid of me because I wrote a book and refuse to speak to me. In any case it’s always painful.
In your opinion, does the pimp game and drug hustle often go hand in hand, or are they more independent of one another?
The drug game and the PIMP usually do not go hand in hand. Pimps see drugs as an unnecessary risk. Their making so much money pimping…why risk it with bringing drugs into the mix. Chili Pimps are usually (NOT ME) on drugs. so a Chili Pimp who is pimping is legally married wife so both of them can get high will always be involved with drugs. A Chili Pimp who is pimping to get money to buy drugs to sell will as well. Chili Pimps are vultures, scramblers, involved with some of everything so more likely than not……they will be involved with drugs.
Regarding prostitution in general, your thoughts on whether or not it should be legalized or would doing so have its own set of problems?
I prefer it to be illegal the way a “Bootlegger” prefers alcohol to be illegal. It creates a conducive atmosphere to crime and corruption, which would always give the criminal the upper hand in society.
What are your thoughts on one of the most major pimp cases – when Lucky Luciano couldn’t be brought in otherwise, so they went with a prostitution charge and 30 to 50 year sentence. And, from your experience in contemporary times… could a charge and sentence like that ever be pinned on a pimp today?
Salvatore Lucania “Lucky Luciano AKA King of the PIMPS. Was a criminal mastermind and genius. That any student of crime worth his salt will study. The man was smart enough to use every resource he had to commit crime from here and abroad. Was in a way convicted of “R.I.C.O.” long before it existed. The government can and will pin 50 counts of pandering on someone today. The problem is anyone today who is involved with that level of prostitution is an illegal immigrant just like Lucky was with a twist…..all of the girls are illegal immigrants as well. Everyone is too far below the radar to ever be detected. I know of huge brothels right now in Texas and California where the girls are all Mexican and so are the Pimps and unlike “LUCKY” – NO ONE is taking pictures with and dating movie stars (trying to be American or a Passare al nemico)…bringing attention to themselves.
What’s next on the agenda for Mick Man?
MICK-MAN Gourdine now spends his time raising his kids and lifting weights. I enjoy fishing, horseback riding, and watching my kids grow.
* Michael Gourdine’s book is available at and other booksellers.

His tale, as told in his recently published autobiography – Chili Pimping in Atlantic City – isn’t sugar coated (though one of his nicknames is Candyman), nor does it skirt around the controversies of a life Gourdine chose of free will. What readers will find within the pages is nothing less than some hard-to-believe tales that begin in his pre-teen years and evolve further into an underbelly of society that Gourdine clearly explains involves – but not limited to – greed, power, social environment and basic survival.
From the Big Apple to the Boardwalk Empire, Mick-Man answers some questions, fills in some blanks, states his thoughts on some allegations he claims to have knowledge of (1997 murder of off-duty officer Ralph Dols), and even discusses his thoughts on the most famous prostitution case in history – the 1936 trial of Lucky Luciano.

People outside the inner life may read some of the book and be completely mystified, or find some things outrageously unbelievable – such as how young you were when you began making the pimp moves. How might you explain a pre-teen/early teen thinking so much about sex and pimping in general?
Pre-teens and adolescents who get involved with sex and prostitution are for one exposed to sex, the drug culture, and a lawless environment from a very early age. My story had a slightly different spin to it. I was raised on Cambridge place in Brooklyn N.Y. the famed art school “Pratt Institute” was 2 blocks away from me. My neighborhood had a very strong “Bohemian” influence in it. My parents were Bohemian and “Hippies” we even had a statue of a naked Man and woman kissing patiently in our living room. We were perpetually poor. My mother worked 16 hours a day 7 days a week as a Correctional Officer and my father was not involved. I would go to parties and my friends houses hosted by their parents where Art students from “Pratt” would be engaged in sex and drugs in every room of their houses with kids running around everywhere. That environment is perfect for a future pimp.
You’ve had a couple different nicknames (Candyman, Mick Man). In the book you explain the time frames and origins, but for the sake of our interview readers – what’s the story behind each?
I was a very small child with unusually large ears…That looked like the era worn by Disney’s “Mouseketeers”. Family and friends originally christened me Mickey Mouse. As I grew so did the name, from Mickey Mouse, to Mick Mick, to Mickey Bo, To Mickey man, To Mick-Man which all of my closest friends and family call me now. While working as a Police Officer in Harlem I noticed that all cops were hated by all people. As I entered into the Heroin trade as a Police Officer in Harlem I became part owner of a Candy Store on 139th street and Broadway. Hardly anyone bought my “Candy” just my “Heroin” (Ironic since Candy is a NICKNAME for heroin). The candy would start to rot so I would throw it away. One day I decided to give it away. I would walk around giving away candy to everyone in Harlem…even people I was arresting or issuing a summons to. As a result of this my partner Frank McCabe Christened me with the nickname “CANDYMAN”. Later on I would give Candy to “Dopesick” prisoners in Brooklyn central Booking later selling them Heroin. My name resurfaced again by a visiting Frank McCabe and the name was known throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan. The same Prisoners would make my name equally as famous in Atlantic City.
For those unfamiliar, could you give a little insight into what a Chili Pimp is, or what they can expect to take away/learn from your book?
Chili Pimp is someone who hasn’t proven himself as a bona fide pimp. It is referred to as the minor leagues and sometimes “Junior” pimping. A Chili Pimp has between one and three girls and is often the subject of ridicule, scorn, and amusement by senior established Pimps. Pimps are not threatened but amused by Chili Pimps and cut them slack often, by not being too harsh on them and showing them mercy. A Chili Pimp is looked at like a Boy attempting to wear his father’s clothes by seasoned Pimps. From My book you will learn whether you are cut out to even attempt to live this lifestyle… or not.
It would seem natural that you might have split feelings on the pimp and drug game, since you have moved on into family life. What are some of your thoughts when looking back – good, bad and ugly of it all?
The good thing about leaving the life is not worrying so much about being killed anymore, catching Aids or going to prison. The bad thing is I am Black and will never possess that kind of money ever again….I have to live with that. The ugly is watching everyone else get rich in the streets….while I struggle to survive.
During your police experience; you discuss in the book of ranking or being considered of one of the most notorious of New York’s cops. Tell me more about that? Who ranked even worse and what did they do to earn it.
I disagree with my ranking as the third dirtiest Police Officer in the history of the N.Y.P.D. Recently I asked why certain people were not ranked higher than I was. I was told it was because they had moved up in rank i.e. Lieutenant ,captain, etc. The #2 is Crystal Spivy of the 7-7 pct’s infamous “Buddy Boys” (Crystal was a Woman) and #1 is Michael Dowd of Brooklyn 7-5 pct “Dowd” crew.

You have an unwavering stance on a particular murder investigation, of which you claim to be privy to knowledge of and have been very vocal on message boards about – The hit on off-duty officer Ralph Dols, which some Colombo Family members were accused.
Joel J. Cacace “Alleged Boss” and Thomas Gioli are not responsible for the murder of Police Officer Ralph Dols on August 25th 1997. A Man named “Wild Bill” claimed to have hired Detective Louis Epolitto (Mafia Cop now serving life) to do the job. I heard him say it.
When did you begin thinking about writing a book about your life?
After being fired for unknowingly driving with a suspended license 509.1. For admitting that my unit in Manhattan North narcotics framed hundreds of people (some of which are still in prison) I was threatened to never reveal the people “we” framed or all of the dirt I did would also be exposed. I decided to expose myself.
Do you ever run into anyone of the interesting characters you were associated with back in the day?
It is always painful one way or the other running into people from my “Old” life. The ones who are still alive that is. I write some in prison like my cousin Brady Gilbert ” FATS” who is incarcerated in Connecticut who is serving 999 years 90 months and 999 days. ( his name is Brady Gilbert). Some are sleeping in the street (I always give whatever money I have in my pocket to them, sometimes thousands of dollars). Some are millionaires who are now for some reason afraid of me because I wrote a book and refuse to speak to me. In any case it’s always painful.
In your opinion, does the pimp game and drug hustle often go hand in hand, or are they more independent of one another?
The drug game and the PIMP usually do not go hand in hand. Pimps see drugs as an unnecessary risk. Their making so much money pimping…why risk it with bringing drugs into the mix. Chili Pimps are usually (NOT ME) on drugs. so a Chili Pimp who is pimping is legally married wife so both of them can get high will always be involved with drugs. A Chili Pimp who is pimping to get money to buy drugs to sell will as well. Chili Pimps are vultures, scramblers, involved with some of everything so more likely than not……they will be involved with drugs.
Regarding prostitution in general, your thoughts on whether or not it should be legalized or would doing so have its own set of problems?
I prefer it to be illegal the way a “Bootlegger” prefers alcohol to be illegal. It creates a conducive atmosphere to crime and corruption, which would always give the criminal the upper hand in society.
What are your thoughts on one of the most major pimp cases – when Lucky Luciano couldn’t be brought in otherwise, so they went with a prostitution charge and 30 to 50 year sentence. And, from your experience in contemporary times… could a charge and sentence like that ever be pinned on a pimp today?
Salvatore Lucania “Lucky Luciano AKA King of the PIMPS. Was a criminal mastermind and genius. That any student of crime worth his salt will study. The man was smart enough to use every resource he had to commit crime from here and abroad. Was in a way convicted of “R.I.C.O.” long before it existed. The government can and will pin 50 counts of pandering on someone today. The problem is anyone today who is involved with that level of prostitution is an illegal immigrant just like Lucky was with a twist…..all of the girls are illegal immigrants as well. Everyone is too far below the radar to ever be detected. I know of huge brothels right now in Texas and California where the girls are all Mexican and so are the Pimps and unlike “LUCKY” – NO ONE is taking pictures with and dating movie stars (trying to be American or a Passare al nemico)…bringing attention to themselves.
What’s next on the agenda for Mick Man?
MICK-MAN Gourdine now spends his time raising his kids and lifting weights. I enjoy fishing, horseback riding, and watching my kids grow.
* Michael Gourdine’s book is available at and other booksellers.

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