Geriatric gangster gets six plus years
A geriatric gangster with a rap sheet dating back to the 1950s was sentenced to 6-plus years in the slammer yesterday by a fed-up judge who said his “advanced age” only underscored his danger to society.
Frank Boehme, 73, scowled from behind a long, bushy gray beard as Manhattan federal Judge William Pauley III ticked off his convictions, which include a manslaughter rap for which Boehme previously served 20 years behind bars.
Pauley noted that the killing took place while “Mr. Boehme attempted to steal other people’s property, and that’s what Mr. Boehme has been doing his entire life.”
“Mr. Boehme, it’s really pathetic. It’s like a scene from ‘Groundhog Day’ -- you just keep doing the same thing over and over again,” Pauley added.
In addition to the prison time, Pauley ordered Boehme to pay $1.1 million in restitution to cover the cost of electronic gear he and several cronies stole to finance a massive marijuana-selling operation.
Co-defendants John Cipolla, 38, and Jonathan Mascuzzio, 29, were also sentenced yesterday to five years and three-plus years, respectively, for their roles in the drug ring, which bought huge amounts of weed grown in Arizona and trucked it back to New York for sale here.
All three men were identified as associates of the Gambino organized-crime family when they were indicted last year as part of a major Mafia crackdown by the feds.
Both Cipolla and Mascuzzio were already doing time for transporting the stolen electronics.
Prosecutor Peter Skinner said Boehme’s involvement in the scheme -- and the existence of the drug-trafficking racket -- were revealed by an accomplice who turned rat.

Frank Boehme, 73, scowled from behind a long, bushy gray beard as Manhattan federal Judge William Pauley III ticked off his convictions, which include a manslaughter rap for which Boehme previously served 20 years behind bars.
Pauley noted that the killing took place while “Mr. Boehme attempted to steal other people’s property, and that’s what Mr. Boehme has been doing his entire life.”
In addition to the prison time, Pauley ordered Boehme to pay $1.1 million in restitution to cover the cost of electronic gear he and several cronies stole to finance a massive marijuana-selling operation.
Co-defendants John Cipolla, 38, and Jonathan Mascuzzio, 29, were also sentenced yesterday to five years and three-plus years, respectively, for their roles in the drug ring, which bought huge amounts of weed grown in Arizona and trucked it back to New York for sale here.
All three men were identified as associates of the Gambino organized-crime family when they were indicted last year as part of a major Mafia crackdown by the feds.
Both Cipolla and Mascuzzio were already doing time for transporting the stolen electronics.
Prosecutor Peter Skinner said Boehme’s involvement in the scheme -- and the existence of the drug-trafficking racket -- were revealed by an accomplice who turned rat.

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