Lucchese gangster whines to judge that house arrest is making his life miserable

A Lucchese crime-family goon complained to a Brooklyn federal judge Thursday that home confinement was interfering with his trick-or-treating, PTA-meeting attendance and charitable work.
Michael Capra, accused of threatening to beat a 70-year-old loan-sharking client, told Judge Robert Levy that the restrictions were disrupting nearly all aspects of his lifestyle Capra was first ordered to be fitted with a monitoring anklet because he refused to come out of his Smithtown, LI, home for nearly an hour after agents rapped at his door last month.
His attorney argued it was all a misunderstanding and said home confinement was unnecessary.
Levy took mercy on Capra, who remains free on $500,000 bond, and slapped him with a 10 p.m. curfew instead of electronic monitoring.

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