Another longtime Bonanno captain dies in federal custody

Another old timer in the Bonanno crime family has died and this page would be remiss in not making a mention of the passing of Joseph Cammarano Sr., on Sepember 3, 2013. The old Bonanno captain and member of the panel which led the borgata for a while when Joseph Massino was in jail, Cammarano died of respiratory arrest at the federal medical center at Butner , North Carolina at the age of 77. Cammarano, known as "Joe Saunders" and "Joe C,"was serving a 10 year sentence for murder conspiracy involving the killing in 1990 of Anthony "Boot" Tomasulo. The murder of Tomasulo was something former Bonanno underboss Sal Vitale admitted in court testimony to having orchestrated. Tomasulo was killed because he was threatening Bonanno family members and was allegedly cheating on gambling earnings. In a moment recounted in my book "Vinny Gorgeous," Cammarano was caught on surveillance tapes chasing James Tartaglione out of New York in late 2003 after Tartaglione, who was on federal probation, used to travel up from Florida. Cammarano told Tartaglione to stay in Florida until his probation was done and then he could come back. [Tartaglione was a government witness at that point and secretly taping the conversation with Cammarano] On one of the tapes, Cammarano is heard responding to another mobster's comment that the family of rats and informants should be killed by saying that was something that could not be done. Cammarano was waked in Brooklyn and according to the funeral home obituary was cremated.
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