Feds say Sammy the Bull doesnt deserve a reduction in jail sentence

The ex-Gambino underboss, who received a deal of a lifetime after turning on the late John Gotti, doesn’t have the backing of federal prosecutors this time on his bid for early release from the 20-year term he’s serving for running a massive ecstasy operation in Arizona.
As a reward for his historic cooperation against Gotti, Gravano got virtually a free pass — serving only five years for 19 gangland murders.
But Gravano soon returned to a life of crime and was busted in the drug operation.
He is currently seeking 34 months lopped off the drug sentence which he's scheduled to complete in 2017.
“The defendant quickly squandered the opportunity to live a law-abiding life and launched a drug distribution venture only months after his release,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Maria Cruz Melendez states in court papers.
The prosecutor also reminds Brooklyn Federal Judge Allyne Ross that she had expressed the view at Gravano's sentencing in 2002 that if she wasn't bound by a cap on the penalty, he deserved more than 20 years behind bars.
Gravano, 70, is eligible for a reduced sentence under an amendment to federal sentencing guidelines approved last year by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
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