Mob Wives recap: Karen Gravano books showdown with Drita
The stage was set last week for a pair of catfights between Karen and Drita, and Renee and Carla ...again. They solved their issues just like they always do: meeting and eating.
Renee met Ramona at Joe's of Avenue U to catch up. Though still coping with her ex-husband's betrayal that resulted in the arrest of her father, "the sparkle" was back in Renee's eyes. Ramona had her own frustrations with "the feds" to vent on. Apparently she left $200,000 worth of jewelry – yes, she said $200,000 – in a duffel bag in her boyfriend's crib. She still never let on exactly why the lovebirds were ever arrested to begin with, but she wasn't pleased with the federal officers who confiscated her belongings as potential evidence. The duffel bag of bling that she left lying around his home included a prized medal passed down from her grandfather.
Renee still couldn't get past Carla's diss she heard through the grapevine – aka Karen – and she made sure to share her misgivings with Drita at Big Ang's Christmas party. Big Ang wasn't feeling the drama though and just wanted to enjoy the champagne, mimosas, caviar, music and good looking men without shirts on roaming around her sister's festive, monster size house.
"Who said this, who said that? It's a bunch of [expletive] already," said VH1's breakout star.
Carla couldn't agree more. While shopping for some fashionable accessories at Celena's Dream Closet with Drita, she mouthed off her frustration. Had Renee just picked up the phone and called her to clarify or even better, had Karen not misconstrued her words, she wouldn't be getting bashed around town. Drita played peacemaker with the hopes the pair could work it out. She realized, one more divide and the women could end up alone "having soup like a [expletive] talking to ourselves in a mirror."
Carla met Renee for coffee at Page Plaza Diner to clear the air on what she meant about Junior's behavior being a potential warning sign. Though, she wasn't happy that her loyalty to Renee was called in to question at all. Renee apologized for jumping the gun and assuming Carla was trying to viciously insinuate she knew what Junior was up too.
Meanwhile, Ramona invited Karen and Big Ang for some belly dancing lessons to unwind. Ang had trouble keeping up, "probably because her breasts are past enormous" according to Ramona. Karen wasn't able to focus with her book, "Mob Daughter," set to ruffle feathers with "haters." Though she understood her father's victims would be upset by the biography, she characterized herself as a victim of the lifestyle as well. Luckily, she was all smiles again at the lavish launch party she threw at Greenhouse Nightclub with her closest supporters like Ramona by her side.
Carla didn't want to get involved in another awkward situation so she avoided the party and instead opted to meet pal Drita for drinks. Drita beamed with joy when she revealed she was finally getting her daughter Giselle – who earned a star student certificate in school – a puppy.
Carla filled Drita in on her makeup session with Renee.
"I spoke to Renee and we resolved our issues...again," Carla said with an eye roll and chuckle.
Then the two wondered about Karen's book, which they hadn't read yet, and the potential trouble within its pages. Carla heard Drita and Lee might be mentioned in the book, but Drita declared she could care less about what's in the book.
"It's like talking to me about how much sodium is in soy sauce. I don't give a [expletive]," Drita told the cameras. Though she wasn't interested, just hearing about Karen's story had her shaking for more anger management appointments again.
The episode ended with more repercussions for Renee's circle after Junior's cooperation with the government: another bust which led to the arrest of a best friend's husband. Renee worried as she drove to the courthouse for her father's first status hearing. Would her family and friends start viewing her differently because of her ex-husband's actions?
Quotable: ""I don't want no drama. It's Christmastime. I wanna have fun and get whacked!" – Angela "Big Ang" Raiola
Renee met Ramona at Joe's of Avenue U to catch up. Though still coping with her ex-husband's betrayal that resulted in the arrest of her father, "the sparkle" was back in Renee's eyes. Ramona had her own frustrations with "the feds" to vent on. Apparently she left $200,000 worth of jewelry – yes, she said $200,000 – in a duffel bag in her boyfriend's crib. She still never let on exactly why the lovebirds were ever arrested to begin with, but she wasn't pleased with the federal officers who confiscated her belongings as potential evidence. The duffel bag of bling that she left lying around his home included a prized medal passed down from her grandfather.
Renee still couldn't get past Carla's diss she heard through the grapevine – aka Karen – and she made sure to share her misgivings with Drita at Big Ang's Christmas party. Big Ang wasn't feeling the drama though and just wanted to enjoy the champagne, mimosas, caviar, music and good looking men without shirts on roaming around her sister's festive, monster size house.
"Who said this, who said that? It's a bunch of [expletive] already," said VH1's breakout star.
Carla couldn't agree more. While shopping for some fashionable accessories at Celena's Dream Closet with Drita, she mouthed off her frustration. Had Renee just picked up the phone and called her to clarify or even better, had Karen not misconstrued her words, she wouldn't be getting bashed around town. Drita played peacemaker with the hopes the pair could work it out. She realized, one more divide and the women could end up alone "having soup like a [expletive] talking to ourselves in a mirror."
Carla met Renee for coffee at Page Plaza Diner to clear the air on what she meant about Junior's behavior being a potential warning sign. Though, she wasn't happy that her loyalty to Renee was called in to question at all. Renee apologized for jumping the gun and assuming Carla was trying to viciously insinuate she knew what Junior was up too.
Meanwhile, Ramona invited Karen and Big Ang for some belly dancing lessons to unwind. Ang had trouble keeping up, "probably because her breasts are past enormous" according to Ramona. Karen wasn't able to focus with her book, "Mob Daughter," set to ruffle feathers with "haters." Though she understood her father's victims would be upset by the biography, she characterized herself as a victim of the lifestyle as well. Luckily, she was all smiles again at the lavish launch party she threw at Greenhouse Nightclub with her closest supporters like Ramona by her side.
Carla didn't want to get involved in another awkward situation so she avoided the party and instead opted to meet pal Drita for drinks. Drita beamed with joy when she revealed she was finally getting her daughter Giselle – who earned a star student certificate in school – a puppy.
Carla filled Drita in on her makeup session with Renee.
"I spoke to Renee and we resolved our issues...again," Carla said with an eye roll and chuckle.
Then the two wondered about Karen's book, which they hadn't read yet, and the potential trouble within its pages. Carla heard Drita and Lee might be mentioned in the book, but Drita declared she could care less about what's in the book.
"It's like talking to me about how much sodium is in soy sauce. I don't give a [expletive]," Drita told the cameras. Though she wasn't interested, just hearing about Karen's story had her shaking for more anger management appointments again.
The episode ended with more repercussions for Renee's circle after Junior's cooperation with the government: another bust which led to the arrest of a best friend's husband. Renee worried as she drove to the courthouse for her father's first status hearing. Would her family and friends start viewing her differently because of her ex-husband's actions?
Quotable: ""I don't want no drama. It's Christmastime. I wanna have fun and get whacked!" – Angela "Big Ang" Raiola

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